Tor Alexander Bruce.


An interdisciplinary researcher within HCI and the cognitive sciences, iterating and trialling prototypes in immersive interactive VR technology in healthcare since 2017. I have a background in journalism and the Third Sector where the latter involved designing and delivering projects to assist the homeless through to becoming Founder and CEO of a registered charity: Eye Of The Fly (2001-13). This involved transforming a 10,000 square feet derelict factory into an arts-education facility; recruiting to provide employment to a database of dedicated North East-based creative facilitators, with a mission to provide young people facing critical barriers a platform for personal empowerment. I am interested in the use of space, how people navigate and interact within it and how it can be adapted with social purpose in a real-world context. My doctoral research is multi-disciplinary, funded by one of the UK’s leading VR tech-companies: Immersive Interactive, in co-partnership with Alliance Psychological Services. The work builds on enactivist theory which regards perception as a motivated activity where people make sense of reality by engaging with it. The approach explores the role and efficacy of human-centred emerging technologies through immersive interactive virtual environments (IIVEs) in the context of mental healthcare interventions, specific to trauma.


CONTACT: [email protected]


DEPARTMENT: Design / Human Computer Interaction

POSITION: Doctoral Researcher

SUPERVISORS: Professor Lars-Erik Holmquist; Dr Annessa Rebair