Tom Feltwell.

I currently work designing, developing and deploying technology interventions as a senior research assistant within the NorSC Lab research group. My work focuses on the development and deployment of digital technology, most recently reconfiguring the consumption of TV programmes, news content and social media streams to encourage critical reflection. I have worked as a research assistant at Northumbria since 2016. I am currently pursuing a PhD on a part-time basis, exploring the design of technology to challenge stigmatisation and othering in the digital environment. I previously worked with Prof. Shaun Lawson at University of Lincoln as a research assistant, on the EPSRC-funded project CuRAtOR. Prior to this, my background has been in computer science, specialising in games programming and games design (BSc), and game analytics visualisation (MSc), both attained at the University of Lincoln.
- Home Department: Computer and Information Sciences
- Departmental Webpage: Here.
- Contact: [email protected]