Selina Sutton.

I am a third year PhD student in the Northumbria Social Computing research group (NorSC). My research expertise is at the intersection of human-computer interaction and sociolinguistics. I primarily focus on how social factors and the design of technology interact to affect the language and speech used, and how these are perceived, in computer-mediated communication. My general research interests, however, are far broader and include any element of human communication within technology. This has evolved from my multi and interdisciplinary experience gained through my diverse previous employment and education.
The aim of my PhD research is to produce a set of methodological guidelines for studying the social aspects of speech in publicly shared online video. I have also published work about emoji and voice user interfaces (e.g. Alexa, Siri, Cortana, Google Assistant). Prior to my PhD, the majority of my research experience was in different analysis methods of social media data (e.g. Reddit, Twitter). I have a masters degree in Forensic Speech Science (MSc) and an undergraduate degree in Speech and Language Therapy (BSc), demonstrating my focus on the practical, real-world applications of linguistic knowledge and theory.
More about me can be found on my personal website
- Home Department: Computer and Information Science
- Supervisors: Prof. Shaun Lawson, Prof. David Kirk, Prof. Paul Foulkes (University of York) and Dr. Marta Cecchinato
- Contact: [email protected]