Samantha Finnigan.

I am a Human-Computer Interaction researcher based at NorSC, within NORTH Lab, with interests in Sustainable HCI, Human-Building Interaction, and future food systems. My work on the TGRAINS project involves running stakeholder engagement workshops with local producers, consumers and food-system ‘middle actors’ in South Wales, Norfolk, and North East England. I also lead the development of the TGRAINS Model tool: a prototype digital web platform which connects people to a statistical model of food production in their local area.
My PhD research examined how smart buildings might be designed around the human, contributing a re-framing of smartness around collaboration and inclusion which does not view the occupant as a ‘problem’ to be solved. I undertook case studies in built environments to inquire into the roles of data and digital technologies in collaborative smart buildings, resulting in publications at venues including CHI, CSCW and Ubicomp. Prior to this, I worked as a research assistant and web developer following my undergraduate degree in Computing Science.