Chloe Kliman-Silver.

I am a PhD student at Northumbria Social Computing Lab (NorSC) and Connected Experience Lab (CXL). My research mainly focuses on designing and building technology telepresence probes to expose problematic sides of pet tech and to increase human understanding of dogs’ otherness. I am also interested in human-animal relations and privacy.
Before Northumbria, I was a data scientist at an e-commerce company where I built various successful models that predicted churn, optimised search rank, and ranked prospective customers. I also was a research assistant at Northeastern University in Boston, MA (USA) at a social network systems lab, where I worked on projects looking at the evolution of Twitter, Facebook ads, web personalisation and filter bubbles, and preventing the impact of malicious accounts on social networks.
In my spare time, I love coffee, reading, watching horror movies, and obviously my pets.
- Supervisors: Shaun Lawson, Lars Erik Holmquist